CRHA Hall of Fame
Glen & Lori Downey & Family/Elaine Downey - 2013 Inductees

Congratulations to Glen & Lori Downey on being inducted into the Canadian Road Horse Hall of Fame in 2013. Glen Downey grew up in a horse showing family. His grandfather and father both showed draft and Commercial horses. In Glen’s early years, he, along with his brother, Clare, sister, Elaine, and their parents showed ponies. As well, his father began to keep a road horse, Miss Echo, which he showed on his own in 1970, adding Mustang Duke and Simcoe Duke in the following years.
Glen’s first win at the Royal was in the pair class with Miss Echo and Mustang Duke. Simcoe Duke was the Canadian Wagon Champion at the Royal in 1983. Two horses special to Glen are offspring of Simcoe Duke, namely Flaxen Duke and Winnie’s Guy (Autobahn) which were bred and exhibited by Miles Benedict. Flaxen Duke, driven by Glen, was the 1986 Canadian Wagon Champion. Duke also enjoyed many show-ring successes over the subsequent years with the Thomas/Austin family. Winnie’s Guy was purchased by American interests and renamed Autobahn, was shown to numerous World Championships in Louisville as well as the Wagon Championship at the 1993 Royal Winter Fair.
When not showing horses, Glen worked for the Township of Huntington for many years. Glen along with his wife Lori, and their two daughters, Amanda and Brittney attend the fairs. Amanda and Brittney have also followed in their father’s footsteps in the showring in road pony and road horse classes. Glen’s sister, Elaine, also drove in the ladies’ classes for many years. They attend many of the fairs in central and eastern Ontario with Glen’s favourite, the Royal, bringing their show season to a close.